As most of our community knows, Debbie Lisack, Golden Hill principal, and Susan Moore, Seward principal, have announced their intention to retire this summer. Together, they have provided numerous contributions during their 36 years of service to the Florida community. Retirement comes with a variety of emotions, both for the retiree and for those who remain. We will miss both Mrs. Lisack and Ms. Moore and wish them health and happiness!
As part of the new principal planning and selection process, the district will be holding a new principal forum at both schools. The forum will provide us the opportunity to gather input from students, staff and parents regarding the attributes of strong school leadership.
- The Golden Hill Leadership Forum will be held on Wednesday, May 4, at Golden Hill Elementary School at 6:30 p.m.
- The Seward Leadership Forum will be held on Monday, May 9, at Seward at 6:30 p.m.
In addition to the forums, we have created a survey that will allow staff and individual community members to provide feedback that will help to shape the selection and interview process at both schools.
The community’s input is vital to the success of our district. All are encouraged to participate in our surveys and forums.