Academic Intervention Services: District Plan


Academic Intervention Services (AIS) in the Florida UFSD includes differentiated, supplemental instruction to assist students in meeting the New York State Learning standards in English Language Arts (grades 3-12), Mathematics (grades 3-12), Social Studies (grades 9-12) and/ or Science (grades 4-12), or who are at risk of not gaining the knowledge and skills needed to meet or exceed designated performance levels on NYS assessments.  AIS services are provided by certified teachers within the core program and during the school day and/or in supplemental programs that may occur after the school day – with transportation provided.

Students are identified for AIS services based on local assessments (with guidance provided by NYSED).  In grades 3-12, student performance below the state identified cut scores do not “mandate” AIS service, but provides a marker to the district to examine closely student performance on locally used measures.  Once a student is identified as “at risk for academic success” in a variety of different assessments, the student’s parent will receive a letter notifying them when services are to begin.  We encourage parents to reach out to their student’s AIS teacher to learn more about the areas of struggle and how they might help at home.  There are two components to AIS:

  • Additional instruction that supplements the general curriculum (regular classroom instruction) and/or
  • Student support services needed to address barriers to improved academic performance.

AIS are available to students with disabilities on the same basis as non-disabled students. The services for students with disabilities shall be provided consistent with the student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

The NYS Education Department defines additional instruction as the provision of extra time for focused instruction and/or increased student-teacher instructional contact time. The regulations also indicate that services may vary in intensity depending on the student’s needs, but must be designed to respond to student needs as indicated through State Assessment results and/or the district-adopted or district-approved procedure that is consistent throughout the district at each grade level.

District Procedures

The instructional support team facilitated by the principal (and/or assistant principal) selects students for AIS based on a number of district adopted identification criteria. At the middle and high school level, the school counselors assist in this process. The principal decides who will receive AIS by reviewing progress reports, major test results, MAPS results and teacher recommendations against the established criteria. Principals can assign students to AIS at any time it is needed as advised by their building Instructional Support Teams.

Once students are identified for AIS, the principal sends a letter to their parents informing them of the AIS the students will receive and the reasons for the AIS. Students begin services in the fall based upon their performance from the previous school year. Additional students can be included in AIS based upon performance during the school year. The Instructional Support Team would determine this based upon their performance relative to the district criteria. The AIS teachers then provide regular reports to the parents on their child’s progress in AIS. When students achieve at a level where they no longer need AIS, their parents are sent a letter informing them that their child will no longer receive AIS with the reasons why the service will be discontinued.

Intensity of Service

Eligibility for AIS is based on individual student performance on district and state assessments. Students qualifying for AIS will exhibit varying levels of performance which requires a corresponding match in service allocation. Each student will receive services based on their performance on the assessments and individual assessment results. AIS services can vary in intensity: low, moderate, high.

Criteria for Ending Services

When a student demonstrates success on the state assessment and/or on district assessments, they can be discontinued from AIS services. The goal of AIS is to provide the targeted instruction necessary for students to achieve state standards.

Types of Services

The intensity of service will be determined based upon individual need. Samples of service options in our district include:

  • Scheduling options including extra class time or extended time
  • Small group instruction
  • Middle School summer programs
  •  Monitoring of progress by classroom teacher

Parent Notification

Communication with parents of AIS students is considered essential in order to meet federal/state regulations and to achieve program goals/objectives. The following written procedures are conducted at various times throughout the year:

Parent Notification Letter

Parents or guardians will be notified by the principal during the month of September after the child’s school record has been studied in conjunction with new scores on NYS assessments and the need for AIS services is determined. When necessary, the notice will be translated into the parents’/guardians native language. Each school and/or department will be responsible for parental notification indicating the need for AIS. This notification will be made in writing and will include a summary of the services being provided to the student including when the services will be provided. The reason(s) for AIS will be reviewed, and the consequences of not achieving state standards will be explained.

Parents will be invited to attend one or more conferences each year to discuss their child’s academic progress with the classroom and AIS teacher. Parents will be invited to attend Open Houses, at which the AIS teachers will be available to discuss their programs.

Program Termination Letter

This is sent home whenever a student is dismissed from an AIS program during the school year. When AIS is discontinued, the parent will be notified in writing that the services will be ending, the criteria for ending services, the current performance level of the student and the assessments that were used in determining the student’s level of performance.

Progress Report

These reports are sent home at the end of each trimester to describe specific progress made by the student. Parents will be kept informed of their child’s progress through written reports and/or parent conferences. Suggestions for working with the student at home may also be included as part of the progress report. These communications must be maintained in the student’s AIS folder.

Parent involvement in the AIS program is considered critical to the success of our students. In order to encourage parents to be involved in this process, a variety of activities are planned throughout the year including:

  • Workshops, informational resources, book studies, and other activities to involve parents based on identified need.
  • Use of building counselors and psychologists to assist in communication with parents.
  • The district elementary report card is aligned with state academic achievement standards.
  • Informational/training resources will be offered to the parents. These resources may include pamphlets, classroom materials, videos, newsletters, and personal counseling of families.
  • Other activities that may be offered include the following: and open house to acquaint parents with the AIS program and inform them of opportunities for their active involvement.

During the school year, the schools will concentrate on:

  • Development of independent open houses for parents of students participating in AIS programs to offer a program description, introduce resources developed for parent use, and to enlist parent involvement in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the program. These programs will be coordinated through each individual school.
  • Each year, a district committee will be formed to evaluate the AIS intervention program, K-12.

Each Title I school within the District shall establish building level school/parent/legal guardian involvement plans to include the following:

  1. All parents/legal guardians of Title I students shall be invited to an annual meeting to inform parents/legal guardians of their school’s participation in Title I programs and the rights parents/legal guardians have under such programs.
  2. Annual meetings regarding parent/legal guardian involvement shall be offered at flexible times and transportation, child care may be provided through the use of Title I funds.
  3. Involving parents/legal guardians in an organized, ongoing and timely way in the planning review and improvement of Title I programs.
  4. Providing timely information about programs to parents/legal guardians, including descriptions/explanations of curriculum, assessment, expectations in terms of proficiency levels, opportunities for regular meetings when needed, and their rights regarding decision making about their child’s program.
  5. Developing a school-parent/legal guardian compact jointly with parents/legal guardians that include an understanding of shared responsibility for student success. Such a compact shall include:
  1. A description of the school’s responsibility to provide high quality learning, curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment
  2. A description of the ways in which each parent/legal guardian will be responsible for supporting their child’s learning such as monitoring attendance and homework and by participating in their child’s classroom and other school activities
  3. A statement addressing the importance of communication between teachers and parents/legal guardians on an ongoing basis including, but not limited to, annual parent/legal guardian teacher conferences, and volunteer opportunities


Each building is staffed based upon the needs of the students.

Roles and Responsibilities

 Assistant Superintendent

  • Articulate analysis of district’s database to building leadership
  • Collaborate with Principals to ensure timely identification of students for RTI/AIS services
  • Collaborate with Principals regarding RTI/AIS students, interventions, progress and results
  • Collaborate with Principals to ensure that parent notification deadlines for AIS are met
  • Collaborate with Principals to ensure timely and accurate correspondence to parents for   initial identification, change in level of services, discontinuation of services and quarterly progress reporting
  • Establish the criteria for initial identification, change in level of services and discontinuation for all core areas
  • Annual update of the district RTI/AIS Plan
  • Meet with academic administrators/teachers in content areas to align services, analyze student performance, create transition plans between levels, and study program effectiveness.


  • Oversee the building level obligation to provide RTI/AIS to students at risk of not meeting NYS standards
  • Analyze assessment results for the identification of students at risk of meeting NYS standards
  • Provide the Assistant Superintendent with accurate and timely lists of students receiving interventions
  • Work with the Assistant Superintendent to ensure timely identification of students and to ensure deadlines are met.
  • Attend data meetings; discuss students, interventions, programs and student performance
  • Ensure timely correspondence to parents for initial identification, change in level of services, discontinuation
  • Observe the teachers providing RTI/AIS services
  • Regularly assess program effectiveness
  • Establish criteria for initial identification, change in level of services and discontinuation
  • Maintain accurate enrollment in RTI/AIS
  • Meet regularly with RTI/AIS providers to study student progress and review program
  • Participate in the annual update of the district RTI/AIS plan
  • Supervise quarterly parent progress reports


  • Complete reporting of student progress at the end of each reporting period
  • Regularly use classroom formative assessments to inform and adjust instruction
  • Regularly analyze individual student performance to better serve students
  • Make recommendations to continue, change level of service, or discontinue service
  • Maintain accurate roster of students receiving RTI/AIS and notify the academic administrators of any changes in a timely manner
  • Meet with academic administrators regularly to review student progress, program delivery, and types of interventions
  • Assist with establishment of criteria for initial identification and discontinuation
  • Assist with the annual update of the district RTI/AIS plan

Grade 3-8 ELA and Math Tests – Level 2 and Level 3 Ranges & AIS Threshold 2017-18*

Level 2 
Range of Scale Scores
AIS Threshold Level 3 
Range of Scale Scores
Grade 3 ELA 583-601 592 602-628
Grade 3 Math 587-599 593 600-614
Grade 4 ELA 584-602 593 603-618
Grade 4 Math 588-601 595 602-613
Grade 5 ELA 594-608 601 609-621
Grade 5 Math 592-603 598 604-615
Grade 6 ELA 590-601 596 602-613
Grade 6 Math 592-603 598 604-615
Grade 7 ELA 591-606 599 607-622
Grade 7 Math 593-605 599 606-617
Grade 8 ELA 584-602 593 603-616
Grade 8 Math 596-609 603 610-621

*  AIS threshold will be adjusted based on the New York State 2019 Grades 3-8 ELA and Math Assessments.