Florida Union Free School District offers a variety of clubs and activities for students of all ages.
High School/Middle School | Elementary
S.S. Seward Institute
Art Club
Advisor: Lucy Duquette
A club for students that focuses on the contributions of the arts in the school and community. Students have the opportunity to experience art-making year round. High school students only.
There are a variety of athletic opportunities for our middle and high school students. Visit our athletics page for more details.
Book/Library Club
Advisor: Vanessa Baron
A club designed to enhance students’ reading habits and to provide an opportunity to read and learn new things.
Chess Club
Advisor: Brian Slevin
Learn to play chess; compete among themselves; foster logical thinking skills and have fun.
Culinary Club
Advisor: Brittany Smith
Students will participate in cooking activities, while focusing on safety, measuring, and cooking techniques. Students will learn about good nutrition, planning and preparing meals and reading food labels.
Debate Club
Advisor: Brian Slevin
Teaches members how to research and articulate arguments and clarify ideas. A fun way for students to develop their oracy skills. Helps students with critical thinking and confident communication.
Diversity Club
Advisor: Joseph Montemarano
A club that helps students accept themselves and others for who they are. Helps to promote diversity of all kinds: race, culture, gender and disability.
Golf Club
Advisor: TBD
Students will learn the basic rules of golf, golf etiquette and will have the opportunity to play on local golf courses in the spring.
HS Drama Drama Club
Advisor: Nicole Ecker
Students will gain appreciation for theater, both acting and production. This includes stage terminology, working on acting skills, set building and costume/makeup design. Students will put on a play/musical performance. As it gets closer to the performance dates, rehearsals will be scheduled more frequently.
MS Drama
Advisor: Christian Deas
Students will work collaboratively, building trusting relationships in order to put on a school show. They will be exposed to acting techniques, learn different theater terminology, singing techniques, and many other aspects of being an actor on stage. As it gets closer to the performance dates, rehearsals will be scheduled more frequently.
Literary Magazine
Advisor: Tracie Moon
Students will publish short stories, poetry, and essays, along with literary criticism, book reviews, biographical profiles of authors, interviews and letters into a magazine.
Music Club (Strings Club)
Advisor: Mark Visconti
Promotes student participation in the contribution and enjoyment of their musical abilities. Students share their passion for music.
National Honor Society
Advisor: John King
NHS is a nationwide organization for high school students in grades 10-12. It honors students who have excelled in scholarship, leadership, service and character. Membership is invitation-only.
National Junior Honor Society
Advisor: Nicole Sullivan
NJHS is a nationwide organization for middle school students in grades 6-8. It honors students who have excelled in scholarship, leadership, service and character. Membership is invitation-only.
Newspaper Club
Advisor: Tracie Moon
An academic club that teaches students the importance of good journalism. Students publish a quarterly newspaper.
Pep Band
Advisor: William Couture
An ensemble of instrumentalists who perform at events, often athletic, with the purpose of entertaining a crowd.
Running Club
Advisor: Marisol Arcidiacono
For students who enjoy the sport of running. They will be helped in mastering healthy training habits. Walking/running can boost your brain power, improve sleep, kick start your immune system, and keep you in good health.
Science Club
Advisor: Stephen Petrisko
Provides an opportunity for students to learn about different scientific disciplines, conduct experiments and participate in various scientific activities.
Select Choir
Advisor: Mark Visconti
A highly select group of singers. Students learn the aspects of music such as pitch, tone, melody and lyrics. Students are expected to perform several times per year, as well as singing the National Anthem at assemblies and graduation ceremonies. Students are selected by audition only.
Senior Enrichment
Advisor: Barbara Scheibling
For students who are at the top of the senior class academically. Students participate in field trips with other senior enrichment groups throughout the surrounding area schools.
Ski Club
Advisor: TBD
Gives students of any level the opportunity to ski or snowboard as a group. The club takes trips to Mountain Creek, NJ. Students must have their own ski equipment and must purchase a ski lift ticket through Mountain Creek.
Spanish Club
Advisor: Victoria Tartaglione & Ally Secord
Offers students exposure to the Spanish speaking world and its rich diverse cultures.
Stage/Select Band
Advisor: William Couture
Students who enjoy playing an instrument have an opportunity to collaborate with other students. They get to display their talent at a concert.
Student Council — High School
Advisor: Dominick Pascullo
Open to all High School students, this council consists of both elected and non-elected members who work to provide fun and engaging events throughout the school year for the students of SS Seward. These events include school dances, pep rallies, spirit weeks, fundraisers, community events, and giveaways for the students. The student council gives students an opportunity to develop leadership and interpersonal skills by organizing and carrying out these school activities. The HS Student Council meets typically every other Wednesday in Room 206. Please see Mr. Pascullo for more information.
Student Council — Middle School
Advisor: Mariah Sullivan
Gives students an opportunity to develop leadership skills by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects.
Trap Team
Students learn basic rules of firearm safety and exciting competition trap shooting. All equipment is provided by the partnering sportsman’s club through the coordination of the Minisink Valley Central School District.
Video Club
Advisor: Brian Slevin
Provides students with a variety of diverse opportunities to create video projects.
Advisor: Francesca Allen
This is an art credit class that is taken during the school day. All activities focus on the construction of the yearbook. Taking pictures, coverage of all Seward Events (before, during, and after school day), setting up all picture day events and distribution, drawing layouts, cropping photos, writing, computer editing programs, interviewing/public speaking, advertising, design, sales, accounting, and typing copy are all activities that club members undertake. If the class does not fit your schedule you can still be a part of the yearbook club and will be assigned duties in aiding in the completion of the yearbook.
Youth Ending Hunger
Advisor: Janice Bonagura
This group collects food and raises money to donate to local animal shelters and food pantries.
Youth in Government
Advisor: Wendy Anderson
The program offers students the chance to learn first hand about the democratic process. Students participate in mock conventions, propose laws through committees, run elections and also shadow elected officials. The program runs primarily in the fall when the students take part in the Platform Convention in October and the Steering Convention in November. It is a unique program for Orange County students.
Golden Hill Elementary
American Sign Language (Enrichment)
Advisor: Brian Slevin
Students will learn basic sign skills, including the alphabet & numbers, and begin to build a vocabulary of close to 200 signs. Concepts covered include introducing yourself, exchanging information, describing places, identifying feelings and emotions, and talking about your surroundings. Information on deaf culture and awareness will also be integrated into this class.
Beekeeping Club (Enrichment)
Advisor: Darren Fogarty
Honey bees are so important to the survival of humans. They pollinate valuable crops for us. Without honeybees, we would be left with doing all the pollination of flowers ourselves, by hand. Hobbyist beekeeping is a way to help ensure the success of honeybees by inspiring the next generation of beekeepers.
Build-It Stem (Enrichment)
Advisor: Darren Fogarty
Young learners do best when learning by doing. The ability for children to explore and learn by trial and error is invaluable. We learn from our mistakes, and can improve what we do. This class will allow that exploration.
Cartooning (Enrichment)
Advisor: Nick Camia
During Mr. Camia’s Art Club, students will focus on using some of his favorite mediums. Students will be creating new projects and focusing on painting, cartooning and printmaking. In painting, students will create a painting on a large canvas. While cartooning, students will explore cartooning techniques, while focusing on illustrating popular cartoon characters and creating their own cartoons. During printmaking, students will learn specific printmaking techniques, producing multiple prints.
Kindness Club (Enrichment)
Advisor: Jill Dawydko
The kindness club was called S.P.A.R.K. (Students Performing Acts of Respect and Kindness). During each meeting students participate in project based activities that center on helping others. We come together to use our talents to create items for local charities, enrich our environment, and show support and gratitude for our community. We work together to make a difference while we learn to respect each other through teamwork, and embrace the joy of
spreading kindness!
Safety Patrol
Advisor: Kristin Risedorph
Safety Patrol is a select group of 5th graders who help ensure safety in our hallways as we enter the school for the day. In this leadership role, students take pride in keeping our school safe while being kind and helpful to all students.
Post Office
Advisor: Nick Camia
Students at Golden Hill learn how the Post Office works with their own inter-school Post Office. Each student can send mail throughout the school year to their friends or the faculty at Golden Hill. Every fifth grade student has the opportunity to work at The Golden Hill Post Office during the school year, learning to work together while they sort, stamp and deliver the mail throughout the building.
TREP$ (Enrichment)
Advisors: Linda Shute/Heather Beneat – Beth Verblauuw (parent volunteer)
TREP$ is a project-based program designed to help students create and start their own businesses.
World Drumming
Advisor: Kristin Risedorph
World Drumming Club is a fifth grade auditioned experience that allows further exploration and performance of drumming styles from around the world. Learning the deep cultural significance of these styles, we explore how these different ensembles make a sound in our hearts and bring joy to our community.
Youth Ending Hunger
Advisor: Kara Rolando
Youth Ending Hunger Club at Golden Hill is a service organization that collects food for our community. It is comprised of second and third grade volunteers. We make monthly donations to the Florida Food Pantry.