It’s that time of year again! The PTSA is hosting its annual Tricky Tray fundraiser on April 13, where the community can enter to win a variety of themed baskets of up to $500 in value contributed to by local businesses and students.
Students in grades six to 12 are encouraged to bring items related to their grade level’s theme through April 5. See accompanying photo for more details. The grade that donates the most will receive a celebratory party from the PTSA to thank them for helping to create a successful fundraiser.
On the day of the event, doors will open at 1 p.m. and numbers will be called at 4 p.m. There will be refreshments available from food trucks and other concessions sold by students.
“I hope people participate, donate and come to our event, that way we can provide the students with everything the PTSA has always provided for them,” shared PTSA president, Andrea Simulcik.
The event helps the PTSA fund scholarships for graduating students and support the welcome back breakfast, graduation celebrations and much more.