Florida’s Finest: Charles Davis and Evan Lally 

Evan Lally and Charles Davis smile for the camera. Behind them are 3D printers and traditional equiptment. Lally holds a micro:bitCharles Davis and Evan Lally are working together to ensure that S.S. Seward students and staff are always learning in the realm of technology. 

Midway through the school year, they led a professional development session for other teachers to show them how laser cutters and engravers as well as 3D printers could be useful in their classrooms. 

“We went over where to find or create the types of files needed for printing, and how it’s used in the real world for a variety of subjects, whether it be art, home and careers or music,” shared Davis. The tech education teacher added, “Mr. Couture and the band needed a part for an instrument and we were able to use the printer. It only took about 15 minutes and was ready to be used, saving time and money.” 

“There’s not a class in the building that wouldn’t benefit from some kind of 3D printing, so our aim is to take what we’re doing and make it more widely available,” shared Lally, computer science and special education teacher. 

In addition to bringing technology into other classrooms, the teachers are working on bringing other subjects into their classrooms, including science. 

An exciting potential unit for the coming school year is hydroponics, a technique where plants are grown without soil.  

Students would build a system using 3D printers, laser cutters and engravers as well as more traditional equipment like band saws and sanders. This project would allow students to integrate computer science with the physical prototype, programming a variety of functions.  

“A big part of this project is sustainability, which we would discuss in class,” shared Lally. “Our 3D printers use a bioplastic called PLA, which is better than oil-based plastics,” added Davis. 

Davis joined the FUFSD family in January 2023 and Lally at the beginning of this school year, and both are already positively impacting the students and community.  

This is Davis’s 11th year teaching. “I came from a district in California that had seven high schools and about 30 elementary schools. What I really love about a smaller district is that I can work one-on-one with students with our smaller class sizes.” 

This summer, Davis is looking forward to working on his house. He enjoys woodworking and construction as well as photography and biking. 

Finishing his seventh year as a teacher, Lally shared, “My favorite part of working here so far has easily been the kids. They are incredible. They really do care about learning – more than anywhere I’ve ever seen – and they care about their teachers and the school.” 

When he’s not busy learning and teaching about the latest technologies, Lally can be found training for his next triathlon or playing the guitar.