Career shadow days empower futures for S.S. Seward students

It’s hard to know as a high school student exactly what working in a career field of interest will really look like. Eleventh graders at S.S. Seward Institute are taking advantage of career shadow days to give them an insider’s perspective. This opportunity comes after career exploration and inventorying students do in 10th grade. “In …

Volleyball Championship Ticket Link

Section IX Class D Volleyball Championships Visit this link to get your tickets for the Section IX Class D Volleyball Championship game on November 7th, 2024:

Golden Hill students shine at spooktacular costume bash

Princesses, angels, superheroes and villains filled the halls at Golden Hill Oct. 31, ready to parade through the gym to the cheers of friends and family and spooky tunes playing over the loudspeaker. Fourth graders Carsen Langlitz and Ava Luciano dressed up as “Preppy Lorax” and “Preppy Angel.” “I enjoyed seeing all of the parents …

Golden Hill second graders learn science, math with pumpkin activity

The entranceway to Golden Hill was filled with pumpkins this October, thanks to the PTA pumpkin patch event. All students explored the patch and selected a pumpkin to bring home, donated by Daegle Farms and S&SO Produce. But for second graders, the fun didn’t stop there!  With the remaining pumpkins, students completed a unique cross-curricular …

ParentSquare Community Group Available

Dear Florida UFSD Community, Following the successful implementation of ParentSquare for our staff and students, we are excited to announce that we are now expanding access to the platform for the district’s community members. Florida UFSD has established a Community Group dedicated to sharing important information and updates relevant to the school community. We invite …

Important Information Regarding SAT/PSAT Scam Calls

Dear Families, It has come to our attention, via the New York State Education Department (NYSED), that some parents and guardians of students who have recently taken the SAT or PSAT exams are being targeted by scam calls. These callers request personal information, including credit card details, under the false pretense of mailing test results. …

Florida Fire Department ignites student passion for fire safety

“Firefighters are brave, heroic people,” said Golden Hill Elementary fifth grader Patrick Verblaauw. After learning about fire prevention from firefighter Thomas Andryshak Jr., the fifth grader was impressed by the firefighters’ training, heavy gear and how they never fail to help people in the Florida community. “He showed us pictures of really bad fires and …

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